cute graduation dresses
As 1966 got underway
was still in "Boot Camp".We didn't hear from him often so it was an event when he got to call. He says he is doing well.
I am working at Yamhill Cafe and
is a waitress part time after school too. I worked in the same Cafe as a High School student.
Patsy and
are on the "Tumbling Team" and got to do a 1/2 time show at one of the Basketball games. Susan is flexible, limber and gymnastically talented. Patsy is a strong base for their stunts but Susan is the star here.
Bill and I are are each teaching a Sunday school class at Church and Bill is a Missionary once again teaching the gospel to those wanting to learn about The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He has served as a missionary in each Ward we have lived in and baptized many converts. There are no paid positions at church so members are asked to accept callings to serve in every organization.It is a learning experience every time.
Church sponsored "Welfare Farms" sell products that they produce as well as provide goods to the "Bishops Storehouse" to be distributed to members in need of assistance. These farms hire employees to run the farms and crews with a lot of help from volunteers. Bill worked on the Church Farm out by Blue Lake while we were living in the NE Parkrose area of Portland and attending the Eighth Ward. So he already knew The farm manager who was running the Hopewell Church Farm so he began working out there some as well as for Fidel Farms here in Yamhill. They raise cattle out there as well as crops. In between jobs He cut and sold firewood. cute graduation dresses
Alfred graduated from "Boot Camp" an January 28th and arrived home on leave February 4th for a short visit before flying to Ft. Leonardwood Ma AIT Heavy Equipment Operator training transferring April 17th to Ft Belvoir Va spending time with the 815th Engineer ( construction) Bn April 1966 Mobil. We really missed him and were proud that he choose to serve our country as a soldier.
I kept busy with volunteer work at school as well as at church. I enjoy PTA work it keeps me up to date on what is going on with the kids. It helps me not dwell on my worry for Alfred so far from home.
I am delighted with the results of Bobby's Tutoring provided by my Grade School teacher in exchange for` his labor last summer. His confidence and grades clearly show constant improvement each report card. She taught him improved study skills and I believe she helped him overcome the effects of a very negative teacher in his early years.
February this year went out with cold and snow as March came in with all the wind and rain we can handle filling the creeks to overflow their banks, turning lower ground around us into a wide lake for some time.
Patsy didn't go to Senior Prom, Susan and her steady boyfriend enjoyed it she as a Junior got to attend. Patsy's boyfriend Don Proebstel was off in the Army serving in Germany.
I enjoyed selling "Bealine Clothing" for a time adding some nice things to my wardrobe and it was fun having the parties too.
We received a letter from Alfred March 21st so good to share with the family . He is really missed around here.
We rotated through colds and flue all winter so the fact that we are all healthy is wonderful as well. Spring is on the way so we are outside whenever the weather permits digging out more briers doing some trimming and preparing what we can for planting time. We started planting the second week in May. I quit working at the Cafe May 20th and had a "Stanley Party" to celebrate. I like their products and enjoy having ladies over, I get a price break too.
Patsy bought herself a lovely white lace dress and heals to wear for her Y-C High School graduation May 27th. She has not gotten her drivers licence yet so is still with us on our usual summer work, picking crops, hauling hay and helping with garden and canning. We worked at the St Paul Rodeo once again earning a tidy sum once again this year working under the bleachers in the concession stands. I wish I had a picture of Patsy covered in Cotton candy spinning away to keep her vendors busy flirting with the cowboys who were teasing her about being "the sweetest girl at the rodeo."
got to ride the fire truck in the Derby Day Parade this year and toss candy to the kids along the way. He had a ball. Such a cute little guy up on that big shiny Firetruck truck.
Patsy and Susan both got the worst ever cases of Poison Oak this year and had to get shots to help them recover. Neither of them would let me take a picture of their poor swollen face. To embarrassed to let that happen. to top it off Susan got the measles and stayed spotted for quite a while All this in the hottest part of summer. No swimming and certainly not a whole lot of fun for my girls until they recovered.
We finished off the summer with Picking green beans and cutting rhubarb while Bill was recovering from Hemorrhoid surgery then moved on to picking and canning pears, peaches, and apples. I believe this is the year Uncle Alva brought down his cider press and we made some apple cider as well as applesauce.
Patsy had her first car accident just before time for school to start rolling Bills pickup. His tool box flew out the window past my head as we rolled over. We were blessed indeed with bruises and a cut requiring stitches on her hand,nothing serious. Bills truck was totaled and she didn't even have her licence yet. She overcompensated when an approaching vehicle veered over the line into her lane. Inexperience can do that.
Time for school again with only Susan left in High school. The other five still in grade school. Bobby was in 8th grade, Clifford 7th, and
in 6th in the Jr high end and Eldon and
were still on the primary end of the grade school. It will be Susan who is graduating this coming spring.