extra sized wearing in formal situation
I am not black.
I don't have to worry about making that trip to the local convenience store. Sometimes I swing by to pick up hotdog buns. Sometimes I need a couple gallons of gas.
I don't have to worry about getting pulled over. I don't have to worry about that trip ruining my life. I don't have to worry about being killed. Black people do.
There is such a thing as White Privilege in the USA. There is such a thing as racial profiling in the USA. There is such a thing as socia
l, political and legal injustice in the USA. This is all happening right now in my country, under my flag.
I post this message with all due respect to good cops. I know some police officers personally, and I have the utmost respect for them. Good police are worthy of veneration. However, bad cops are killing harmless black people in their own neighborhoods. This is happening under our banner, our flag.
Inequality is a real thing, right now, in the USA.
I have seen racist actions with my own eyes, and heard racist slander with my own ears. I will name no names, but I know racists personally, plenty of them, too many in fact.
I like to think that racists are slowly going extinct, but there has been a resurgence emboldened by our passively racist president. This is our reality.
I am proud to live in a country where my black and white friends can protest their flag. I am proud to live in a country where professional black athletes can be role models, and offer a voice to their less fortunate family and friends - their friends who live in fear for no reason other than racism, intolerance and injustice. extra sized wearing in formal situation
We whites take freedom of speech far more seriously than freedom of other races, that's for sure. That is unless you're a racist, and don't care for the black point of view, then freedom of speech is a big, big problem.
I can think of no better venue than an NFL stadium, nor a better symbol to protest than our flag, in a country that supports freedom of speech, but doesn't offer an entire race true equality.
I will continue to stand and sing our National Anthem, but I have nothing but respect for those who take that moment to protest, who quietly fight for justice and an end to systemic racism.