the petite figures needs to wear for the prom party
this history of slavery in Libya: all this is a strategic and manipulative montage of Europeans with a view to reducing or even stopping the flow of migrants to Europe.
Let me explain :
1- Before his death, Kaddafi said this to the Europeans ".... after my death, you will not be able to contain the flow of migrants at your place", and he was right, as proof the flow has increased because Libya is became a "No man's land".
2- Europeans, having seen that the situation gets worse and worse, they have matured a brilliant strategy (as they always know how to do it in terms of manipulation): they have agreed with a Libyan militia, by means of money and / or weapons, to catch black immigrants and treat them as slaves who will be "sold" to other militia surely. As luck would have it, CNN manages to film the "atrocities" and to swing them to the whole world. The scoop of the year! the petite figures needs to wear for the prom party
3- The Africans, of course, will be shocked by the images and will cry scandal, and will move heaven and earth to stop it. African leaders are aware of the deception and having received instructions, will say nothing. A European NGO will come as the "messiah" to deliver "slaves" for the payment of a "ransom", and the "freed" will return home with a sum to allow him to rebuild a new life.
4- Since the "freedmen" are not aware of the deception, they will make poignant testimonies of their experience in Libya and dissuade the amateurs of adventures to try the experiment. Africans, in their entirety having been touched in their pulpit by the video of CNN will, free of charge, awareness campaigns to ask the adventurers not to try to go through Libya, because it is a path to slavery.
5- So, without getting too tired, the Europeans will manipulate us (as usual) to do their job for them. We will close our borders so that our populations will not venture out.