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Before Donald Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as ISRAEL'S Capital, many Palestinian and Arab world together with Moslems registered their disagreement, and some went on demonstrations burning America and Israel Flags. To start off, America refusing to recognize Jerusalem as Israel capital since 1948 is long overdue. Every nation have the right to choose their capital whether you like it or not. America is an ally of Israel an has a prophetic role to play in helping Israel in the scheme of prophetic events of this end time. America is the Lamb-beast that came out of the earth in Revelation 13:11. In Revelation 12:15-16, America will also be the "earth" nation that will help the woman Israel to overcome the flood of Antichrist and his European controlled Army at that future hour of tribulation called the time of Jacob's trouble. wedding dresses for over 50
Now, mark my statements correctly saints; Donald Trumps decision did not fulfill any prophetic scripture but will only serve as a trigger of events that will activate actual fulfillment of scriptures. Israel is faced currently with a hostile UN that her policies and Security Council decisions does not favour ISRAEL. In the pool of these events, the world is about to witness an outbreak of wars in the Middle East between Israel and Palestinians/Arab Moslem world. It is called the miraculous wars because God will empower Israel to go out in the field of battle to deal a devastating blow on her enemies.
The Arab/Moslem Confederacy involves the following:
(1). Edomites - Palestinian Refugees and Southern Jordanians
(2). Ishmaelites - Saudi Arabians
(3). Moabites - Palestinian Refugees and Central Jordanians
(4). Hagarites - Egyptians
(5). Gebal - Northern Lebanese
(6). Ammon - Palestinian Refugees and Northern Jordanians
(7). Amalek - Arabs South of Israel
(8). Philistia - Palestinian Refugees and Hamas of Gaza Strip
(9). Inhabitants of Tyre - Hezbollah and Southern Lebanese
(10). Assyria - Syrians and Northern Iraqis included
(11). Children of Lot - Moab and Ammon etc.
NOTE: These are ancient names. The modern names and places covers the following nations and people : Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestinians.
Israel right from the time she declared her statehood in 1948, she has battled with territorial issues. The following are hot spots daily in our news. Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, West Bank and Temple Mount. At the moment, Israel only have access to the Western Wall/Wailing Wall. However, the Word of God stated that Israel will be reestablished in her old estates. Ezekiel 36:11. So, the miraculous wars will serve to accomplish alot of things for Israel.
(1). To remove the hatred and hostility of the Palestinians and ARAB neighbors against Israel. After the wars are over, those that are left of them will love and acknowledge Israel. (Ezekiel 28:20-26) (Ezekiel 35:5, 10-11)
(2). To give Israel back her God given land as stated in the scriptures. (Ezekiel 36:8-12) (Joshua 1:4) (Genesis 13:14-15) (Genesis 15:18-21) etc.
(3). To remove Palestinian Arabs from the land of Israel that Israel may have total control and ownership of the land. (Isaiah 49:11-26) Vs 17-19.
(4). To remove the Islamic spirit from the Arab nations. They will from thence acknowledge Jehovah (Yahweh of Israel) and no longer Allah. (Zephaniah 2:4-11) (Ezekiel 25:12-17) (Isaiah 19:16-25). Islamic spirit of religion is the root cause of the problems of the Middle East Arabs with Israel. When these wars are over, those left will no longer be shouting Allah Akbar. It will be PRAISE YE JEHOVAH.
(5). When the wars are over, Israel will have full control of the Temple Mount. The Moslem mosque of Omar will go down, and Israel will be in position to start rebuilding their TEMPLE at the sacred Rock.
(6). The war will silence the UN (United Nations) and establish Israel's superiority in the land. UN will no longer dictate for Israel or exact any influence on her. (Ezekiel 34:27-30).
NOTE: When the wars are over, Israel will now be dwelling securely without any fear of attack from the Arab neighbors. By then, Israel will no longer be bothered about security as the real threat has been removed. That brings you to the word of God in Ezekiel 38:11. Israel will be at the brink of rebuilding their TEMPLE.
(1). Jordan -- The ancient territory of Moabites, Edomites, Ammonites etc. (Jeremiah 49:1-2) (Jeremiah 49:20-26) (Numbers 24:14-19) (Obadiah 1:1-21) (Isaiah 63:1-6) (Zechariah 12:4-9) etc.
(2). Egypt -- (Isaiah 11:13-16) (Isaiah 19:16-25).
(3). Saudi Arabia (Dedan) -- Ezekiel 25:8-17)
(4). Syria -- (Isaiah 17:1-14)
NOTE: These wars will cause the nations to freak out at the amazing display of Israeli military power. (Micah 7:15-17. God will show her marvelous things.
After the wars, Israel will now be ready to rebuild and only then will the Arabs contribute to the rebuilding project. (Micah 7:15-17) (Haggai 2:6-9) (Isaiah 60:1-18) etc.
Having stated these points, it is obvious that a lot lies ahead. The Bride saints will be here to witness all these. It will serve as pointers to us as per where we are in time factor relating to going home in the rapture.
Now Saints of God, what I have briefly stated here is not my ideas or thoughts; it is the Word of God. It does not matter what people are thinking or what there feelings are, prophetic scriptures must be fulfilled. So, Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel capital is not really a fulfillment of prophetic scripture, but knowing the role America plays as the Prophetic Lamb like Beast of Revelation 13:11-18, his actions are serving as triggers of the wars mentioned above.
Your comments and questions are welcomed. Shalom.
Before Donald Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as ISRAEL'S Capital, many Palestinian and Arab world together with Moslems registered their disagreement, and some went on demonstrations burning America and Israel Flags. To start off, America refusing to recognize Jerusalem as Israel capital since 1948 is long overdue. Every nation have the right to choose their capital whether you like it or not. America is an ally of Israel an has a prophetic role to play in helping Israel in the scheme of prophetic events of this end time. America is the Lamb-beast that came out of the earth in Revelation 13:11. In Revelation 12:15-16, America will also be the "earth" nation that will help the woman Israel to overcome the flood of Antichrist and his European controlled Army at that future hour of tribulation called the time of Jacob's trouble.
Now, mark my statements correctly saints; Donald Trumps decision did not fulfill any prophetic scripture but will only serve as a trigger of events that will activate actual fulfillment of scriptures. Israel is faced currently with a hostile UN that her policies and Security Council decisions does not favour ISRAEL. In the pool of these events, the world is about to witness an outbreak of wars in the Middle East between Israel and Palestinians/Arab Moslem world. It is called the miraculous wars because God will empower Israel to go out in the field of battle to deal a devastating blow on her enemies.
The Arab/Moslem Confederacy involves the following:
(1). Edomites - Palestinian Refugees and Southern Jordanians
(2). Ishmaelites - Saudi Arabians
(3). Moabites - Palestinian Refugees and Central Jordanians
(4). Hagarites - Egyptians
(5). Gebal - Northern Lebanese
(6). Ammon - Palestinian Refugees and Northern Jordanians
(7). Amalek - Arabs South of Israel
(8). Philistia - Palestinian Refugees and Hamas of Gaza Strip
(9). Inhabitants of Tyre - Hezbollah and Southern Lebanese
(10). Assyria - Syrians and Northern Iraqis included
(11). Children of Lot - Moab and Ammon etc.
NOTE: These are ancient names. The modern names and places covers the following nations and people : Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestinians.
Israel right from the time she declared her statehood in 1948, she has battled with territorial issues. The following are hot spots daily in our news. Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, West Bank and Temple Mount. At the moment, Israel only have access to the Western Wall/Wailing Wall. However, the Word of God stated that Israel will be reestablished in her old estates. Ezekiel 36:11. So, the miraculous wars will serve to accomplish alot of things for Israel.
(1). To remove the hatred and hostility of the Palestinians and ARAB neighbors against Israel. After the wars are over, those that are left of them will love and acknowledge Israel. (Ezekiel 28:20-26) (Ezekiel 35:5, 10-11)
(2). To give Israel back her God given land as stated in the scriptures. (Ezekiel 36:8-12) (Joshua 1:4) (Genesis 13:14-15) (Genesis 15:18-21) etc.
(3). To remove Palestinian Arabs from the land of Israel that Israel may have total control and ownership of the land. (Isaiah 49:11-26) Vs 17-19.
(4). To remove the Islamic spirit from the Arab nations. They will from thence acknowledge Jehovah (Yahweh of Israel) and no longer Allah. (Zephaniah 2:4-11) (Ezekiel 25:12-17) (Isaiah 19:16-25). Islamic spirit of religion is the root cause of the problems of the Middle East Arabs with Israel. When these wars are over, those left will no longer be shouting Allah Akbar. It will be PRAISE YE JEHOVAH.
(5). When the wars are over, Israel will have full control of the Temple Mount. The Moslem mosque of Omar will go down, and Israel will be in position to start rebuilding their TEMPLE at the sacred Rock.
(6). The war will silence the UN (United Nations) and establish Israel's superiority in the land. UN will no longer dictate for Israel or exact any influence on her. (Ezekiel 34:27-30).
NOTE: When the wars are over, Israel will now be dwelling securely without any fear of attack from the Arab neighbors. By then, Israel will no longer be bothered about security as the real threat has been removed. That brings you to the word of God in Ezekiel 38:11. Israel will be at the brink of rebuilding their TEMPLE.
(1). Jordan -- The ancient territory of Moabites, Edomites, Ammonites etc. (Jeremiah 49:1-2) (Jeremiah 49:20-26) (Numbers 24:14-19) (Obadiah 1:1-21) (Isaiah 63:1-6) (Zechariah 12:4-9) etc.
(2). Egypt -- (Isaiah 11:13-16) (Isaiah 19:16-25).
(3). Saudi Arabia (Dedan) -- Ezekiel 25:8-17)
(4). Syria -- (Isaiah 17:1-14)
NOTE: These wars will cause the nations to freak out at the amazing display of Israeli military power. (Micah 7:15-17. God will show her marvelous things.
After the wars, Israel will now be ready to rebuild and only then will the Arabs contribute to the rebuilding project. (Micah 7:15-17) (Haggai 2:6-9) (Isaiah 60:1-18) etc.
Having stated these points, it is obvious that a lot lies ahead. The Bride saints will be here to witness all these. It will serve as pointers to us as per where we are in time factor relating to going home in the rapture.
Now Saints of God, what I have briefly stated here is not my ideas or thoughts; it is the Word of God. It does not matter what people are thinking or what there feelings are, prophetic scriptures must be fulfilled. So, Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel capital is not really a fulfillment of prophetic scripture, but knowing the role America plays as the Prophetic Lamb like Beast of Revelation 13:11-18, his actions are serving as triggers of the wars mentioned above.
Your comments and questions are welcomed. Shalom.